Winter is fast approaching!
Greetings [NECC] Nation,
Well at Camp we can certainly feel the rush of winter as it knocks on our doorstep. It has quickly gotten cold and last week we actually had a snow flurry. Ok, so that never happened in Lynn. Snow in October is virtually unheard of this early in Massachusetts. So the realities of living in Maine are setting in quickly as I must take a quick break from typing to stoke the fire!
Ok, I'm back now. Life at camp has certainly slowed down a little bit. We had our Scrapbooking retreat last weekend where there were 34 women of all walks of life in the dining hall all scrapbooking to their hearts content! It was great to watch the fellowship and excitement as these women got to take a break from their busy lives and do what they love to do.
Keelah and I have begun our preparations for next summer as the promotions committee has met and the NEW Camp Brochure is well underway and expected to be in the mail sometime in December. We have got some GREAT new programs we will be offering in the spring and next summer. The one we are most excited is that we will be adding in a WEEK 8 to our summer program. During week 8 we will host our FIRST EVER Family Camp. An opportunity for the whole family to come up to camp for a week or just a few days and experience all camp has to offer. Also during week 8 we will be offering a day camp program to families in the local area. We are excited at the opportunities this will allow and look forward to implementing this new program. So SAVE THE DATES!!! August 16 - 21!
Well that's enough for now, it's time for me to get back to stoking that fire! Keep warm where ever you are, and continue to keep [NECC] in your prayers!
Tai and Keelah