Ahhhh Labor Day Weekend
Greetings NECC Nation!
I am sitting in our living room enjoying the peace and quiet of the impending fall season, but yet missing all the excitement of the summer. Keelah and I are looking forward to this fall and winter as we will have the chance to really roll up our sleeves and get our hands in the thick of a full year at [NECC].
Next week Linea and Noah return to school at Lyman Elementary School. Linea is going into the 4th grade (oh my goodness, it is strange to even say those words!) and Noah is going into the second grade. They are excited to be getting back to school. We are in the process of looking for a local pre-school for Jared that he can spend a few hours a week in so that he can get some interaction with children his age and so that Keelah can have some time to work at Camp without having to chase him around.
Well, in two weeks we have our first Dad Daughter retreat...if you havent registered please do. We still have room in both weekends. No offense ladies, but I'm looking forward to having some men around here for a weekend! :)
Well, off to bed. Thank you again to all who support us and Camp. See you all next week!
-Tai and Keelah